the following page is onlt to be read by
ADULT male survivors over the age of 21.
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Hetrosexual male survivors struggle with the fact that we
were subjected to a sexual experience - as unwanted
and uninvited as it was - by a male .
That a boy was sexually abused by a man says a lot about the
messed up mind and sexuality of the perpetrator
not the survivor.
It is psyiologically possable for a perpetrator to set off
involuntary pleasure against the wishes of his victim.
A psychologist likened it to a thief stealing car keys.
He has no permission and no right to use them
but if he puts them in the ignition it will (illegally)
start the car.
Some men get confused that they felt pleasure
some question their sexuality
some are taunted about their alleged sexuality.
Realistically its quite likely the survivor is hetrosexual
but battling flash backs which interfere with normal
normal sexual relationships with a spouce or female partner.
and / or csa induced ssa (same sex attraction)
this is managable - for example looking away
by avoiding tempting situations
by resisting the mantras of the pro gay lobby.
Personally I see ones sexuality after traumatic penetrative csa as disorientated.
like concussion after a blow to the head.
(if link doesn't work use link in top bar
or add ".htm" or ".html" )
Some research suggests that the brain actually grows new links al the time.
That would mean that hetrosexual male survivors can
strengthen or grow hetrosexual likns and associations.
some have spoken of csa induced ssa associations being negated, or broken
in any case unused links do decay
or it would not be necessary to revise for an exam.
more research is needed
more understanding
better councelling techniques
The pro gay dominant school of thought are critical of
what they call "reparative thecniques"
their arguement in fundamentally flawed as they cite unwilling participants sent to church run programmes
"to be cured" of gayness.
1. most programmes fail when the participants are forced
to do the programme.
these critics never cite the sucess stories of those who
chose to do the programme.
2. perhaps those developing the programmes ought to
focus more on csa recovery
then activate changes in thought patterns
sadly some Christian ministries focus on curing addictions
including sexual adictions
when they should focus on recovery from csa ministry
early in my quest for recovery from csa I was informed
that it was estimated that 80% of gays had been sexually abused. I would have thought that this would
motovate caring ministries to earnestly pray for pathways of recovery from csa.
sadly its avoided bu many churches
and its avoided by many councellors and psychologists
there is a fear of how we will react
as our memories surface
as we feel our pain.
but its managable
healing and recovery is possable.
only tonight I was talking to a csa survivor
who had fallen into homosexuality anf he reported
a miraculous deliverance.
Some are blessed with miricles
Some of us have slow recovery from csa
What is important is that survivors are allowed to recover in our time and our pace,
neither pressured into "getting over it"
nor slowed down by over management by councellors
or psychologists.
any csa survivor reading this needs to have a councellor
or psychologist
and support such as survivor forums on line
and an understanding and caring Pastor
support groups are recommended if available
see the Links page
be aware that recovery has many suprises
and rocky times
some survivors isolate
whilst I have prayed and researched to provide understanding and insight which I could not find
my pages are at this stage introductory
and inconclusive
survivors must take responsability for your reactions
and to get support.
I will post more later.
ADULT male survivors over the age of 21.
If yes
scroll down
if no
please return to the homepage
Hetrosexual male survivors struggle with the fact that we
were subjected to a sexual experience - as unwanted
and uninvited as it was - by a male .
That a boy was sexually abused by a man says a lot about the
messed up mind and sexuality of the perpetrator
not the survivor.
It is psyiologically possable for a perpetrator to set off
involuntary pleasure against the wishes of his victim.
A psychologist likened it to a thief stealing car keys.
He has no permission and no right to use them
but if he puts them in the ignition it will (illegally)
start the car.
Some men get confused that they felt pleasure
some question their sexuality
some are taunted about their alleged sexuality.
Realistically its quite likely the survivor is hetrosexual
but battling flash backs which interfere with normal
normal sexual relationships with a spouce or female partner.
and / or csa induced ssa (same sex attraction)
this is managable - for example looking away
by avoiding tempting situations
by resisting the mantras of the pro gay lobby.
Personally I see ones sexuality after traumatic penetrative csa as disorientated.
like concussion after a blow to the head.
(if link doesn't work use link in top bar
or add ".htm" or ".html" )
Some research suggests that the brain actually grows new links al the time.
That would mean that hetrosexual male survivors can
strengthen or grow hetrosexual likns and associations.
some have spoken of csa induced ssa associations being negated, or broken
in any case unused links do decay
or it would not be necessary to revise for an exam.
more research is needed
more understanding
better councelling techniques
The pro gay dominant school of thought are critical of
what they call "reparative thecniques"
their arguement in fundamentally flawed as they cite unwilling participants sent to church run programmes
"to be cured" of gayness.
1. most programmes fail when the participants are forced
to do the programme.
these critics never cite the sucess stories of those who
chose to do the programme.
2. perhaps those developing the programmes ought to
focus more on csa recovery
then activate changes in thought patterns
sadly some Christian ministries focus on curing addictions
including sexual adictions
when they should focus on recovery from csa ministry
early in my quest for recovery from csa I was informed
that it was estimated that 80% of gays had been sexually abused. I would have thought that this would
motovate caring ministries to earnestly pray for pathways of recovery from csa.
sadly its avoided bu many churches
and its avoided by many councellors and psychologists
there is a fear of how we will react
as our memories surface
as we feel our pain.
but its managable
healing and recovery is possable.
only tonight I was talking to a csa survivor
who had fallen into homosexuality anf he reported
a miraculous deliverance.
Some are blessed with miricles
Some of us have slow recovery from csa
What is important is that survivors are allowed to recover in our time and our pace,
neither pressured into "getting over it"
nor slowed down by over management by councellors
or psychologists.
any csa survivor reading this needs to have a councellor
or psychologist
and support such as survivor forums on line
and an understanding and caring Pastor
support groups are recommended if available
see the Links page
be aware that recovery has many suprises
and rocky times
some survivors isolate
whilst I have prayed and researched to provide understanding and insight which I could not find
my pages are at this stage introductory
and inconclusive
survivors must take responsability for your reactions
and to get support.
I will post more later.